Call John N. Nelson 612-747-2527

Theft is just as it sounds; taking property from another without their consent. There are various levels/degrees of theft in the State of Minnesota, and one of the most important elements in determining the level/degree is the value of the property stolen. The collateral consequences of a theft conviction can be quite punitive. For example, if a potential employer learns that you have been convicted of a theft related offense, you may be much less likely to be hired. The following penalties may apply to you:
Up to 20 Years in Prison: If you are convicted of theft of a firearm, or theft of property valued at more than $35,000.
Up to 10 Years in Prison: If you are convicted of theft of certain controlled substances or theft of property valued at more than $20,000
Up to 5 years in Prison: If you are convicted of theft property valued at more than $1,000, but less than $5,000, or theft of property valued at more than $500, but less than $1,000, and you have a prior offense within the past 5 years.
Up to 1 Year in Jail: If you are convicted of theft of property valued at more than $500, but less than $1,000.
Up to 90 Days in Jail: If you are convicted of theft of property valued at less than $500.
Also encompassed in the theft statutes are crimes relating to:
The attorney’s at Nelson Law have over 30 years combined experience dealing with the complexities of Minnesota’s theft laws. Contact us with any questions you may have, or for a free initial consultation.